Rethinking workspace

The operational reality for business today is defined by volatility and uncertainty. Modern businesses already demand agility from people, technology and finance – and now, more than ever, business leaders are asking their real estate teams: how can we rethink our approach to workspace?

We’re at a crossroads where five key shifts are shaping the future of workspace across the world.
1. Work is changing
Digital connectivity, Artificial Intelligence, the growth of SMEs and the rise of a digitally native workforce were already transforming work but lockdown has produced radical change in a short period of time that has altered our very perception of the office.
By the end of 2021, Generation Z (born between 1997-2002) will represent 36% of the workforce
Financial Executives International
AI & Automation
30% of today's work activities could be automated by the mid 2030s, but $15tn in additional global GDP is also expected!
Small businesses
Small businesses grow in critical importance. SMEs provide work for 50% of the global workforce and in emerging markets SMEs provide 7 out of 10 jobs.
The World Bank
2. The world is changing
The operational reality for business today is defined by volatility and uncertainty. The window of forecasting has become almost non-existent.
Agility is critical.
of CEOs are reassessing their global footprint as a result of the changing pace of globalisation
of CEOs are concerned about geopolitical uncertainty
of CEOs believe the rate of global economic growth will decline
3. Change is accelerating
We live in an accelerated age, where the scale and velocity of change is creating unprecedented and increasingly unpredictable risk.
Flexibility is critical.
More data has been created in the past two years than in the entire previous history of the human race
75% of US CEOs expect to see the acceleration of companies' technological transformation due to the coronavirus pandemic
Fortune 500
Today, on average, human knowledge is doubling every 13 months. According to IBM, the 'Internet of things' will enable knowledge doubling every 12 hours
4. Growth is an imperative
Against this backdrop demand to drive shareholder value remains unchanged.
Agility is critical.
of CEOs still plan to increase their headcount over the next 3 years
of CEOs are confident or very confident about their company's prospects for revenue growth in the next 3 years
of CEOs say growth is of greater importance for the wellbeing of their business than operational efficiencies and product improvements
5. Sustainability & wellbeing are vital
Governments and businesses globally are striving for a built environment that delivers healthy, equitable and resilient buildings, communities and cities. There is now a new emphasis on staff safety within workspace that employers have to understand, plan for and, ultimately, measure.
World Green Building Council
of CEOs view sustainability as a means to gain competitive advantage
of people globally say they want to work for an organisation with a ‘powerful social conscience’
is the annual cost to UK businesses, due to poor mental health
We free businesses to move forward faster
By delivering commercial real estate solutions which drive business agility, efficiency and resilience.
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