Incendium 10: Digital Transformation in CRE

Wednesday, 27 March, 2024

Shifting consumer expectations are driving digital transformation in commercial real estate. From the evolution of e-commerce models to subscription-based services and immersive experiences like VR, learn how technology is reshaping workplace experiences.

Consumer expectations are rapidly evolving, driving significant shifts in technology and service models across industries. Accelerated digitisation, spurred by the COVID-19 crisis, has led to a demand for rapid access to personalised services and products, with subscription-based services and VR experiences gaining momentum. Despite these changes, commercial real estate (CRE) organisations have been slow to adapt, relying on traditional approaches and limited technology investment.

However, there's a growing recognition within CRE of the necessity for digital transformation. Leaders are now reimagining products and services, leveraging technology to create immersive consumer experiences. This includes implementing agile space subscription models, advanced booking technology, and prioritising data collection and analytics to understand consumer needs better.

In today's hybrid work environment, reliable technology is crucial for seamless communication and workflow management. Technologies facilitating easy desk and meeting room bookings via apps are becoming essential, along with AI-driven data and technology to drive sustainable behaviours and enhance consumer focus. Embracing digital transformation is vital for CRE organisations to thrive in the face of shifting consumer expectations and technological advancements.

Download the sixth article in our Incendium 10 series to find out more.

Incendium 10: Digital Transformation in CRE
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